When I try to use clip art from Word or PowerPoint an error code pops up and it shuts down.?

MindStorm: When I try to use clip art from Word or PowerPoint an error code pops up and it shuts down.?
I tried to copy and paste a picture into word. Now when I try to use clip art in Word or PowerPoint a pop-up box reads “Clip Organizer cannot complete the operation: Error Code 0X800C0008. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Please don’t say to uninstall and reinstall. I have lots of papers and information in these program and cannot lose it.


🙂 GreenArrow
im just throwing this out there cause it worked for me. However you can use firefox!

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Why am I getting an Error Code 17 when trying to enter my mail?

Paul: Why am I getting an Error Code 17 when trying to enter my mail?
I have not been able to enter my email account most of the day. I constantly get an error code 17.


🙂 brown eyes
same here, not sure what is going on today. its been like this since about midnight my time last night (eastern time).

Add your own answer in the comments!

How do I get around the Yahoo.com error code 2 in order to get email?

aslbeads: How do I get around the Yahoo.com error code 2 in order to get email?
It’s been about a month since I have been reporting “error code 2″ to Yahoo. I have tried updating Internet Explorer to”optimized for Yahoo”, I have tried some recommended links in this forum. Nothing has worked. How long is a “short time’ to fix the problem in Yahoo’s estimation? I even tried using the “customer service” link from the Yahoo home page to send them an email and that doesn’t work. Any ideas out there?


🙂 DaveEC
I see lots of references to this on Answers (probably some from you too). I see no solutions.
I still think it is an issue with plugins being just a little too old. Let me suggest going to Firefox, —.firefox—. Once you have downloaded this go back to that site and click on Addons, and then Plugins. Get all the plugins. I use this and don’t have ANY of the problems people report. Of course I live in a large city with apparently very good broadband. That could be part of it. Let me know what happens if you try this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How come I get an error code message, and have to send a report to microsoft, every time I start Explorer?

sheila1a: How come I get an error code message, and have to send a report to microsoft, every time I start Explorer?
When I start my computer, I always have to send an error report, before I can continue to use the internet.


🙂 wiliam_gonzalez
because is not running properly you have to reinstall it

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