Internet explorer cannot display the webpage but internet is connected?

Ashley: Internet explorer cannot display the webpage but internet is connected?
My Aunt in the Philippines owns an internet cafe that has 10 computers all on the same router. One computer however will not open internet explorer or mozilla firefox and gives the error message that the webpage cannot be displayed. The weird thing though is that it is not her connection because yahoo messenger works and so do the online games. The only issue is that when a browser is opened, you cannot go to any webpages. What is the problem and how can it be fixed?


🙂 artsy 🙂
I’ve had a similar problem on my computer. However it was just IE broken and not firefox. But it turned out to be a virus. I would run a virus scan.

EDIT: or maybe your internet explorer settings are set to offline

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I keep getting an error trying to access my Yahoo mail- I get an error saying Internet Explorer cannot access?

Kim: I keep getting an error trying to access my Yahoo mail- I get an error saying Internet Explorer cannot access?
The error says Internet Explorer cannot access this page- check connection. Connection is fine- if I refresh it goes to an ad page. Other users on this computer can access their email- so it seems to be just my account. (I’ve tried accessing my mail on other user’s and I receive the same error.)

I’ve changed my password also and same result.

Please help– thanks !


🙂 angie
You might have to try a different browser like try down loading Firefox and use there browser

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