Answer: Is it me, or is anyone else having more problems with the recent Internet Explorer version, than the previous?

The Questioner: Is it me, or is anyone else having more problems with the recent Internet Explorer version, than the previous?
Every day I get at least one problem on the Internet explorer that results in sending an error report to Microsoft. It’s so annoying because it closes all internet applications when this happens. Another thing, you cant eve view the browsing history so you can start again where you left off.


🙂 Rowen
Yes, I get the same with IE7. In the middle of something it just pops up with the message, “Internet Explorer has encountered an error and must close” and poof it’s gone. I went to their website and got the run around.

What do you think? Answer below!

Answer: I keep getting an error message on youtube, is this happening to anyone else?

cb52211: I keep getting an error message on youtube, is this happening to anyone else?
My laptop has been having problems on youtube. Whenever I click on a vid it says, an error occured, please try again later. It used to work usually after clicking refresh but now it’s not working. Every day it gets worse than the last.

Is anyone else having this problem, and how can I fix this?


🙂 Anon
Is it possible that the isp you are using may be blocking youtube or some proxy that is blocking youtube

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Anyone else having problems with Firefox error after closing the Yahoo Mail page?

trep316: Anyone else having problems with Firefox error after closing the Yahoo Mail page?
Both in my workplace and at home, whenever I close the Yahoo Mail tab (I’m using the new Yahoo Mail, not the Yahoo Mail Classic), all of the other Firefox tabs, as well as other Firefox windows just hang up, and eventually the Send, Don’t send window box appears and Firefox shuts down. Anyone else having this problem? Is there a fix?


🙂 surendiran
try to login from here for faster and error-free access


It seems you are using new yahoo mail, which needs latest browsers.For error free emailing use yahoo mail classic

Use the below link to return to yahoo mail classic and click yes ,when it asks for “opt out”

for account,

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!